Arie Miette

” Canadian born, with a paintbrush in my hand.”

Raised in a very creative atmosphere with access to any tools and materials I wanted, my incredible parents didn’t just support me, they did everything they could to encourage my growth and artistic expression; constantly introducing me to new mediums and art forms, private art classes from a retired tattoo artist, which gave me a great basis to continue my drawing skills with.


Being a very sensory person, I love being hands on with my art, not really sticking to one medium or tool but often evolving my project to mixed media. I strive to have all my art stimulate the senses and emotions of the viewer.


Because of my passion for both 2D and 3D art forms, tattooing really is the perfect expression for me. There are few more fulfilling feelings than giving someone a tattoo that entirely changes their being. Bringing closure to heartbreak, memorializing or tributing a loved one, or just adorning the body with beauty to create new found confidence. My passion lies in moving people with my art. In whatever form that takes.


Please enjoy the many random works you’ll find here